What do the Request Auto-Delegation and Delegate Use of Catalog settings on the Edit User page do?
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What do the Request Auto-Delegation and Delegate Use of Catalog settings on the Edit User page do?


Article ID: 15101


Updated On:


CA Service Catalog CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


What do the Request Auto-Delegation and Delegate Use of Catalog settings on the Edit User page do?


Release: CASVCT99000-12.9-Service Catalog


A delegate is a nominated individual who can perform tasks on another’s behalf. In Catalog we have two types of Delegate: Request Auto-Delegation and Delegate Use of Catalog.

  • Request Auto-Delegation is designed to be used when an approver is unavailable – the Delegate will be given the ability (and notification) to perform the approval actions that the user has assigned.
  • Delegate Use of Catalog is designed to be used when the user is a requester – they have the right to view the user’s Request Catalog, and raise requests on their behalf.

So one way to think about this is that you're granting the named user a limited right to impersonate the user that the value is set for; either as an approver or requester. It doesn't grant them any other special privileges, such as to approve the user's requests if they don't have that already.


Additional Information

Further information on editing and adding users is here:


Further information on Delegating a Catalog is here:


Finally, further information on how to Delegate or Auto-Delegate a Request Pending Action can be found here:
