Symantec Data Loss Prevention response rule actions for Symantec CloudSOC Securlets
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Symantec Data Loss Prevention response rule actions for Symantec CloudSOC Securlets


Article ID: 150908


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Data Loss Prevention for Mobile Data Loss Prevention Enforce Data Loss Prevention Cloud Detection Service CASB Security Standard




Symantec Data Loss Prevention provides many response rule actions for incidents created by the Symantec Cloud Detection Service. Automated response rules are automatically executed on the target application through Symantec CloudSOC.

Automated Symantec Data Loss response rule actions are available for the following Symantec CloudSOC Securlets:

Response Rule Applicable Securlet
Delete Data-at-Rest Dropbox, Gmail, Office 365 Email
Encrypt Data-at-Rest Office 365 OneDrive, Office 365 SharePoint
Quarantine Data-at-Rest Box, Office 365 OneDrive, Office 365 SharePoint, Salesforce, Slack
Remove Shared Links in Data-at-Rest Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Office 365 OneDrive, Salesforce
Remove Collaborator Access Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Office 365 SharePoint, Salesforce
Set Collaborator Access to 'Edit' Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Office 365 SharePoint, Salesforce
Set Collaborator Access to 'Preview' Box
Set Collaborator Access to 'Read' Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Office 365 SharePoint, Salesforce
Set File Access to 'All Read' Google Drive, Office 365 OneDrive, Office 365 SharePoint
Set File Access to 'Internal Edit' Box, Google Drive, Office 365 OneDrive, Office 365 SharePoint, Salesforce
Set File Access to 'Internal Read' Box, Google Drive, Office 365 SharePoint, Salesforce

The Custom Action on Data-at-Rest, Perform DRM on Data-at-Rest, and Tag Data-at-Rest response rules are not applicable to Symantec CloudSOC Securlets.

For more information about response rule actions for Symantec CloudSOC Securlets, see  Response rule actions for Cloud Applications and API appliance detectors.