How can we report on who is using CA Teleview?
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How can we report on who is using CA Teleview?


Article ID: 15089


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Is there some reporting utility that can provide information on userid's and 
who is using the Teleview session manager and what applications they can access. 


Teleview 4.4


There is no such Teleview utility for producing such a report.

However, you can use SMF records to report and track who is using Teleview and what applications they are accessing.  

SMF records will be written if you have these parameters enabled within the FEATURES member of VOPTIONS:

  • SMF-FOR-TERM-LOGON/LOGOFF - This keyword causes CA-Teleview to write an SMF record when a terminal logs on to or logs off of CA-Teleview.
  • SMF-FOR-APPL-LOGON/LOGOFF  - This keyword causes CA-Teleview to write an SMF record when a terminal logs on to or logs off of an application.
  • SMF-FOR-DISC/RECONNECT         - This keyword causes CA-Teleview to write an SMF record when a terminal disconnects from or reconnects to CA-Teleview.

Note: The SMF record type used for the above keywords is supplied in the SMFREC member of the VOPTIONS data set.
See section 2.5, “SMF Facility” on page 2-39 and and see Appendix A, “Tables” for a listing of SMF record descriptions.

One can use a SMF reporting tool or SAS or report writer to create a report.
A Report Writer such as  Broadcom Easytrieve  or other products for creating reports from SMF can also be considered.

Additional Information

Section 2.4.1 - Startup Features

The FEATURES member of the VOPTIONS PDS consists of records (keywords) that control many global characteristics of CA-Teleview operation.
Each keyword must start in position 1 of a record.
The FEATURES member on the installation tape has most keywords commented out.
Simply position the cursor at the '*' and press the <DELETE> key to turn on the feature.

After saving the FEATURES member, the user can use OPER function 8.2 (HALT LOGONS) followed by 8.3 (START LOGONS) to turn the feature on.
To turn a feature off, place an asterisk (*) in column 1 to comment out the record, save the member, and use OPER function 8.2 (HALT LOGONS) followed
by 8.3 (START LOGONS) to activate the change.