How to request or renew and download a VIP Certificate
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How to request or renew and download a VIP Certificate


Article ID: 150737


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VIP Service


 Steps to generate Symantec VIP certificate 


A VIP Certificate is required to secure a connection to the VIP Service from the VIP Enterprise Gateway or any other application using the VIP Service. A VIP administrator with certificate-level permission can follow these instructions.

  1. Log into VIP Manager by going to
  2. Under the Account tab, select Manage VIP Certificates.
  3. Click on Request a Certificate.
  4. Enter a name for the certificate that will help you identify where it will be used, then click Submit Request.
  5. Select the PKCS#12 format for the certificate, provide a password, then click Download Certificate
  6. Install the certificate into your application
  7. Restart the service(s) before using the application (including the VIP EG).

About VIP Certificate Expiration notices

  • Certificate expiration emails containing the certificate details are sent at 60-, 30-, 7-, and 1-day intervals of the actively expiring certificate. These emails are sent to the technical contact listed in the VIP manager account tab.
  • Emails are not sent for revoked or expired certs. VIP account expiration notices are sent separately. 
  • The VIP Manager dashboard will display an expiration notice in the Notifications frame for certificates expiring within 30 days. 

Email sample: