Using the command line to apply Agent Communication Profile to a client computer.
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Using the command line to apply Agent Communication Profile to a client computer.


Article ID: 150642


Updated On: 10-12-2023


IT Management Suite


Using the command line to apply Agent Communication Profile to a client computer.


Beginning with the release of ITMS 8.1 RU1 you can use a command line to apply an Agent Communication Profile to the client computer. Use the following new options:

  • /importprofile:<path> - lets you specify the path to the XML file of the profile
  • /profilepwd:<pwd> - lets you specify the decryption password



  • "importprofile" specifies the path to the profile XML file,
  • "profilepwd" specifies the decryption password.
  • COM version of utilities outputs the command execution result to the console window.


Use these options with AeXAgentUtil.exe (found under ...\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent):

  • AeXAgentUtil.exe /importprofile:<path>
  • AeXAgentUtil.exe /profilepwd:<pwd>



Running command prompt as Administrator:

C:\Program Files\Altiris Agent>AeXAgentUtil.exe /importprofile:"c:\SMP-2016.epm.local.xml" /profilepwd:Altiris123