Does the Ghost Solution Suite product support TLS 1.2?
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Does the Ghost Solution Suite product support TLS 1.2?


Article ID: 150586


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Ghost Solution Suite


Example scenario:
The customer created a silent.ini file by running
Axinstall.exe -i command.  This walks him through the install GUI allowing him to select all the options he want for install.  The resulting silent.ini is saved in same folder as location of Axinstall.exe and he uses that file to run silent install:  Axinstall.exe -t silent.ini

As the customer is working on our GSS 3.3 RUx version, it seems that the Axinstall.exe will fail if TLS 1.0 is not enabled.  It fails to authenticate to the local SQL Server instance with TLS 1.2 enabled.

Does the Ghost Solution Suite product support TLS 1.2?


Yes, the Ghost Solution Suite product versions 3.1 and newer do support TLS 1.2.

There is a caveat to this however.  Your 32-bit ODBC System DSN for the Altiris eXpress Database Data Source needs to use the SQL Server Native Client 

We don't support any other driver while using only TLS 1.2

To open the 32-bit ODBC, go to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.

Note: If you are using SQL Server 2012, please make sure you upgrade to SQL Server 2012 SP4.


Note regarding AeXInstall.exe and the silence switch example scenario above:

SQL server 2016, 2017, 2019 do not require updates regarding the ODBC driver.
So SQL server 2016-2019 should be working correctly.
New ODBC Driver for SQL server ("SQL Server Native Client 11.0") will be in place after update.
Information about needed updates can be found at Microsoft page:

You need to upgrade to SQL Server 2012 SP4 or later.


Steps to upgrade or install the Ghost Solution Suite in a TLS 1_2_enabled environment.pdf get_app