Differences between AeXNSC.exe, AeXNSChttp.exe, and AeXNSChttps.exe
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Differences between AeXNSC.exe, AeXNSChttp.exe, and AeXNSChttps.exe


Article ID: 150128


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IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


Do you know what the new AexNSChttp.exe and AexNSChttps.exe files (under ".../Program Files/Altiris/Notification Server/nscap\bin\Win32\X86\NS Client Package") are for?

Differences between AeXNSC.exe, AeXNSChttp.exe, and AeXNSChttps.exe


ITMS 8.x


About the SMA installation package:

  • AeXNSC.exe - package doesn't contain pre-defined NS URL and SMA settings.
  • AeXNSChttp.exe - package contains NS URL HTTP address and other settings from the Communication profile.
  • AeXNSChttps.exe - package contains NS URL HTTPS address, certificates, and other settings from the Communication profile.


In some cases, in order for the AeXNSCHTTP.exe and AeXNSCHTTPS.exe files to be updated as well, re-save all the communication profiles in use (if you have more than just the default one) under Settings>Agents/Plug-ins>Symantec Management Agent>Symantec Agent Communication Profiles. Change something (uncheck/check box) and save. You should be able to see in Trace logging that these files were created.

Also, you can add a password to the AeXNSChttp.exe or AeXNSChttps.exe file so it can be protected if someone tries to run the executable manually (under Settings > Agents/Plug-ins>Symantec Management Agent > Settings > Agent Install > Default Settings > Security: Pull Packages and select the option "Password protect package".