Symantec VIP Access for Android Push Error codes. These codes will be seen in logs when a PUSH fails.
3500- Could not get the Registration id from GCM.
3501-Failed to provision push credential.
3502- Failed to set the token attributes for the provisioned Push credential.
3503- Failed to retrieve Push Message.
3504- Push Message is expired. It might have been approved or denied by other device
3506-Time out getting response from push messaging server
3507-No response from server within the time limit(client time up)
3508-Network Failure while Accepting /denying the push message.
3509-IO operation failure.
3510-Internal error.
3511-Network Failure during enabling/disabling push.
3512-Failure due to google play service not installed
General Error Codes
6002-6003,6017-6020 -Failure while performing Cryptographic operation.
6004- Failed due to bad http response from services.
6005- Failed to establish a connection with VIP Services.
6006- EOF response received.
6007- Network Failure due to IO Operation.
6008- Network Failure due to redirection.
6009- No response received from server.
6010-credential object creation failed.
6011- Failure while parsing the response received from vip services.
6014-6015-File I/O operation exception.
6016-Internal crypto error.
6022- General Exception
6023- I/O exception.
Language Error Code.
6024- Failure while updating the language
6025- Failed to get the language file as the current device language is not supported through VIP MFS Service.
Reset Error Code
6013- Failure due to wrong server time returned from the server.
Activation Error Codes (Received from VIP SERVER)
19968-Malformed Activation Request(4e00 from VIP Services).
20224- Unable to activate due to internal error.( 4f00from services)
20228- Unable to activate due to internal error.(4f04 from services)