Uninstall Spectrum via command line on Linux
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Uninstall Spectrum via command line on Linux


Article ID: 15009


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


I need to uninstall the current Spectrum software using a SILENT method.  The only documentation that exists for the Uninstallation process is using the GUI... but we are unable to run the GUI on Linux RHEL in our environment.

How can I uninstall Spectrum via a silent command line method? 


Spectrum install on Linux (any version)


You can uninstall Spectrum via command line by following these steps: 

1.Stop CA Spectrum. 

2.Log in or sudo su to the root user and navigate to the <$SPECROOT>/Install-Tools/Uninstaller directory. 

3. Enter ./UninstallSpectrum <specroot> <tmp dir> < -silent >


<specroot> is the root directory where Spectrum is installed on this system

<tmp dir> is any temporary directory outside the specroot directory

Additional Information

Please reference "Uninstall DX NetOps Spectrum on Linux via command line" section of the documentation for more information.