Only [Header] [Footer] appear in the ITAMService.log and the ITAMClient.log
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Only [Header] [Footer] appear in the ITAMService.log and the ITAMClient.log


Article ID: 14973


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CA IT Asset Manager ASSET PORTFOLIO MGMT- SERVER CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management


When viewing the log materials, only seeing [Header] [Footer] in the file.  How to address


Release: 12.9 or higher
Component:  CA IT Asset Manager


12.9.x must run through both Steps 1 and 2;

14.1.x or higher may skip to Step 2

Step 1 : Grant permission to create a custom event log

     i.        Log on to the web server as an administrator.

    ii.        Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK. The Registry Editor window appears.

  iii.        Go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Security”,

  iv.        Right click on security and select permissions.

   v.        Click add, select “Network Service”, give it read permissions and click “OK”.

  vi.        Go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog”

 vii.        Right-click Eventlog, and then click Permissions. The Permissions for Eventlog dialog box appears.

viii.        Click Advanced. The Advanced Security Settings for Eventlog dialog box appears.

  ix.        In the Name column, double-click the Users group. The Permission Entry for Eventlog dialog box appears.

   x.        Select the Set Value check box, select the Create Subkey check box, and then click OK.

  xi.        Quit Registry Editor


Step 2: Update the config file path on the web server:

     i.        Login into your webserver and locate the web server folder. In a normal installation, it should exist in the following folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Web Server

    ii.        Open the file “eiam.config”.

  iii.        Locate the following in the file

<!--Absolute file path for logger configuration, For C# use:- file = "eiam.log4net.config", Java use:-file = "eiam.log4j.config", C++ use:- file = "eiam.log4cxx.config"-->

<LoggerConfiguration file="eiam.log4net.config"/>


  iv.        Modify the highlighted as follows (add complete path of the web server folder)

<!--Absolute file path for logger configuration, For C# use:- file = "eiam.log4net.config", Java use:-file = "eiam.log4j.config", C++ use:- file = "eiam.log4cxx.config"-->

<LoggerConfiguration file="C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Web Server\eiam.log4net.config"/>



   v.        Save and close the file.

  vi.        Restart IIS.