Sometimes we are not seeing the "check" happening every 5 minutes in ASM logs, is there any explanation?
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Sometimes we are not seeing the "check" happening every 5 minutes in ASM logs, is there any explanation?


Article ID: 14962


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CA App Synthetic Monitor


We have set "Delay between checks" to 5 minute for a particular monitor, however sometimes we don´t see the check happening and we are not sure whether the was an error or whether the check was performed successfully.

Why are not we seeing the check happening every 5 minutes in ASM logs?


Release: APMCMB99000-8.7-App Synthetic Monitor-Basic Option


It could be possible the monitor has just few stations selected (eg: 3 stations) so if the stations are overloaded or if they go to maintenance mode it won´t display any information
within ASM logs as the check didn´t complete due to lack of available monitoring stations.  You can add more checkpoints to the pool as this will reduce the problem.