UI Theme changed in Clarity - track who changed it
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UI Theme changed in Clarity - track who changed it


Article ID: 14955


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


The Clarity UI has been reset. How can you identify who has changed the UI Theme?


Release: All Releases / Environments


  1. Look at the app-access-YYYY-MM-DD.log file
  2. Locate an entry similar to:

    |[16/Jun/2017:02:07:05 -0400]|POST /niku/nu?uitk.vxml=1&action=uif.uiThemeList HTTP/1.1|200|16473|109|5123073__AC284558-3192-4D33-B559-41CAE41EAF1E
    |[16/Jun/2017:02:07:12 -0400]|POST /niku/nu?uitk.vxml.form=1&action=uif.updateUIThemeAsDefault&uitk.navigation.location=Workspace&uitk.navigation.parent.location=Workspace&uitk.navigation.last.workspace.action=uif.uiThemeList HTTP/1.1|200|80504|31|5123073__AC284558-3192-4D33-B559-41CAE41EAF1E

  3. Note the following:

    action: This is the action: uif.updateUIThemeAsDefault
    session ID: 5123073__AC284558-3192-4D33-B559-41CAE41EAF1E (specifically 5123073)

  4. Query the Database (DB):

    select * from CMN_SESSION_AUDITS where session_id = 5123073

  5. The result of the select query will provide you with the user_id on the cmn_sec_users table.
  6. Querying the cmn_sec_users table against the user_id of the above select statement, it will give you the details of the user who did the change.

Additional Information

Note: If the UI Theme is changed through a XOG the update may not show in app-access logs. The next step would be to check the app-ca and bg-ca logs.