In OneClick what is the difference between deleting a model and removing a model?
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In OneClick what is the difference between deleting a model and removing a model?


Article ID: 14763


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


In OneClick what is the difference between deleting a model and removing a model?


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Deleting a model permanently deletes the model from OneClick and also the Spectroserver database. It would be completely removed.

Removing a model does not delete the model from the Spectroserver database it only removes it from the location you are working in.  If you remove a model from the Universe/Topology view it will still be present in a Global Collection.

In the example of a Global Collection if you delete a model that model is no longer in the Global Collection, that model is also deleted from the Spectroserver database permanently.

If you were to remove a model from a Global Collection that model is removed from the Global Collection Only. That model would still exist in the topology or other locations and locator searches and is still present in the Spectroserver database.

If you find a model is contained within the Global Collection but not in the Universe/Topology view then you need to copy the model in the GC and paste the copy into the Universe/Topology.