Device classification in CAPM
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Device classification in CAPM


Article ID: 14654


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


How does PM classify a device as a Router, Switch, Router-Switch or other device types?


Any CAPM environment


How does PM classify a device as a Router, Switch, Router-Switch or other device types?

  • Here is the information on how we classify a device as a Router or Switch based on the value of the sysServices and ipForwarding attributes.


For SNMP device, we use ipForwarding and sysServices to determine device type

  • ipForwarding ( – Flag to indicate if acting as IP gateway
  • sysServices ( – A set of services that a device may offer


Convert sysServices INT value to binary:

  1. Repeater:           bit 1 is set (not supported by PM)
  2. Switch:               bit 2 is set
  3. Router:               bit 3 & ipForwarding are set
  4. Switch-Router: bit 2, 3 and ipForwarding are set
  5. Server:               none of above and bit 4 or 7 is set

Example:  ipForwarding = 1,  sysServices = 6 -> Binary 1 1 0  - this classifies as a Switch-Router