MAT V11was installed.
We are seeing:
3504 007CA040 TNMINIT 00000652 BASE JOB gone 1 00:00:00.0000000
R2-R13 00FC9400 00000007 00000004 0491F900 7F351880 0002F000 000B46A0 007CD000
Why am I seeing "BASE JOB gone" messages at the bottom of the Mainframe Application Manager MATUNE log?
The MAT TUNLOG dataset in the MAT Server Address Space contains two parts. The first part echoes the options that were in effect when the MAT Server was started. This section comes first and begins with the message "** START OF OPTIONS FROM ...". It ends with the message "** END OF OPTIONS".
Usually, there is nothing further after the "** END OF OPTIONS" message, unless there are problems detected by the CA MAT Server. When problems occur, MAT will display diagnostic messages intended for use by Technical Support. That is what is happening here.
One such kind of diagnostic messages is a set of 4 messages that are labelled "JOB gone 1" thru "JOB gone 4". These messages indicate that a MAT monitor was started for a job step but the job step ended before MAT had completed setting up the monitor for execution. This usually means monitors were requested against very short running job steps.
To resolve this problem, make sure that the job step being monitored runs at least 60 seconds.