When issuing command /IAS,FUNC=RECONFIG after adding additional Agents to the Agent Definition File, I get the following messages:
CAIAS1094E Limit of nnnnn AGENT statements permitted; nnnnn found
CAIAS1098E The previous errors were on the DD IASAGENT
What is the limit of IAS Agents that can be added?
The limit is defined within the Agent Definition File. By default, the limit is set to 5 additional Agents per IAS Session Initialization. Meaning, if there are currently 10 Agents defined, an additional 5 Agents can be added per initialization. However, if you would like to add more than the default, you would have to specify the ADDAGENT Keyword with the number of Agents you are needing.
If you try to add more than the number of agents defined within the ADDAGENT keyword, you will receive the limit reached messages. The only way to circumvent the messages is to either specify enough agents via the ADDAGENT keyword or recycle CA 7 to reinitialize IAS.
The following is the ADDAGENT keyword definition:
(Optional) Specifies the number of additional agent definitions that can be added through reconfiguration commands that are entered on the scheduling manager after a CA IAS initialization.
Default: 5
Limits: Maximum is 10000 minus the number of agent definitions currently in the IASAGENT DD.
Note: The maximum value that is permitted for ADDAGENT is 10000. A system that permits many agent definitions typically sees a noticeable performance degradation for many CA IAS-related functions. These functions include sending jobs for execution and receiving job feedback. If you have a stable agent definition environment, keep the default of 5. If, however, adding many agents between recycles of CA Workload Automation CA 7 Edition is required, we recommend that you place a reasonable value in the ADDAGENT parameter so that the performance of CA IAS and the scheduling manager is not severely impacted.
For more information, please see the IAS Implementation Guide.