z/OS any level
Datacom any level
This situation can be remedied by the following procedures.
1) Run TKEXSPAC utility to see what the High Water Marks are. The files may need to be re-organized and the size increased. There is no specific recommendations on size since these sizes are site specific. Usually if the files show over 85% utilized then it is best to reorg the files and make them larger.
2) Run the utilities TKEXSZS2 and TKEXSZI2 to reorg the areas IXX and LXX. Remember to increase the size of these files.
You can find all these jobs in the SAMPJCL.
Another possible solution is to check the system priority settings for CATKDDS, MUF and ENF/CCI, these should be high and close to JES.
APCDDS works at real MVS batch time.