[VMTP] Validating Napatech Card Functionality
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[VMTP] Validating Napatech Card Functionality


Article ID: 145984


Updated On:


CA Application Delivery Analysis MTP (NetQoS / ADA)


At times, you may run into issues where collection is stopped and the nqnapacapd process cannot be started. Logs may point to the Napatech card not being initialized.




In general, this is caused by a Napatech card physical failure or an issue with the PCI slot on the motherboard


1) Log into the VMTP system. Run the following command to determine if the software can currently detect the Napatech card.The following shows fully-qualified commands.If you run them by cd’ing to the folder, make sure you qualify them with ./(e.g. ./AdapterInfo).

sudo /opt/napatech3/bin/AdapterInfo

2) If the above command returns an error, attempt to unload and reload the napatech drivers:







Attempt Step 1 again.

3) If you are still receiving errors:

Shutdown the VMTP machine (using sudo /sbin/shutdown –h now).Open up the machine and reseat the card; if dmesg indicated any ntki errors related to SDRAM, reseat the memory module as well.