Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect OM Web Viewer 12.1
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Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 145883


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


Testing connection...

Connection failed.

Failure in CCIClient.init()
    Return code = 0x0010
    Primary RC = 0x0010
    Secondary RC = 0x0020
    Detail RC = Error creating SSL socket for server:<Server> port:1203. KeyStore Exception attempting to load: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect. KeyStore = /tmp/wvconfig/T1581699915598/config/cci.jks, Type = jks
    Error text = SSL Connect Error: Error creating SSL socket for server:<Server> port:1203. KeyStore Exception attempting to load: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect. KeyStore = /tmp/wvconfig/T1581699915598/config/cci.jks, Type = jks
CCISSL Mainframe Task Error;
 CAS9855I Task 0001 has connection from <Server>(<IP Address>)/43998
 CAS9899E Task 0001 Error: SSL function gsk_secure_socket_init
 CAS9899E Task 0001 Error: SSL function rc = 420 ->
 CAS9899E Task 0001 Error: Socket closed by remote partner
 CAS9899E Task 0001 Error: SSL I/O ErrNo = 121 ->
 CAS9899E Task 0001 Error: EDC5121I Invalid argument.
 CAS9861I Task 0001 closing <Server>(<IP Address>)/43998.
 CAS9861I Task 0001 delivered 1 packets, 114 bytes.



  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Common Services for z/OS MVS 15.0


This happens when running the ConfigtTool and specifying a new keystore value.  This is a product defect.


Fix: SO13486 cumulative build 205 for CA Output Management Web Viewer v12.1.

Workaround: Restore the cci.jks file after running the ConfigTool and specifying a new keystore value. Copy the original value back into the cci.jks file in the config directory under the install directory