View - Page Index Error
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View - Page Index Error


Article ID: 145822


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Deliver View


When attempting to access some reports, receiving "Page Index Error" on the View Panel.

Even after using the "LI" command, to load the indexes, the problem still exists.


The problem was with a report that was archived directly to tape.
This was the first time the client performed a test, where the page indexes were not first on disk.

The client rebuilt the index in question with the following SARBCH jobs:

. Load the report from tape to disk:
. . /LOAD GEN=aaaaa ID='xxxxxxxxxxxx' SEQ=nnnnn

. Index the report:
. . /INDEX GEN=aaaaa ID='xxxxxxxxxxxx' SEQ=nnnnn

Additional Information

When a report is first collected, the report and its indexes are to be on the database disk layer.

Once a report has the indexes created for it, the logical view for that report can indicate that the report participates in cross-report indexing, which would then mean that in whatever fashion that report (of the same Sysout ID) is collected, indexes would be assigned to it.

When a report is then backed up to tape, it is backed up with its indexes & When a report is expired from disk, its indexes expire from disk as well.