Article ID: 145814
Updated On: 03-05-2020
After applying RMF7115 - z/OS 2.3 Workload Manager Updates, twelve
data elements in the WLMSEC and WLM_EC Service/Report Class Resource
Consumption files, and four data elements in the WLMSEM and WLM_EM
Service/Report Class Response Time files might erroneously contain
The problem can occur for z/OS LPARs running z/OS 2.2 with IBM APAR
OA54915 applied.
If you are running z/OS 2.3 or later, or you have not applied IBM
APAR OA54915, this problem does not impact you.
With z/OS 2.3, IBM adds seven replacement fields to the SMF type 72
subtype 3 record that contain higher precision values for previously
existing fields. With RMF7115, MICS reads the original "lower
precision" fields, and if the SMF 72-3 section length indicates that
the "higher precision" fields are present, MICS reads the new "higher
precision" fields, replacing the original "lower precision" values
originally read-up.
The problem is that IBM APAR OA54915, when applied to an LPAR running
z/OS 2.2, expands the section containing these metrics by 56 bytes of
"reserved" binary zeros. Because z/OS 2.2 does not generate the new
"high precision" values, the fields in this 56 byte area remain zero.
When MICS processes the section, because it is long enough to contain
the "higher precision" fields, the seven data elements are populated
with zeros, overlaying the values input from the "lower precision"
The following nine data elements are directly impacted.
- SECTBADT Total Batch Affinity Delay Time
- SECTBCDT Total Batch JCL Conv Delay Time
- SECTBPDT Total Batch Post Conv Delay Time
- SECTOESQ Trans Elapsed Time Sum of Squares
- SECTOQDT Total Queue Delay Time
- SECTOTET Transaction Elapsed Time
- SECTOXET Transaction Execution Time
- SEMTOTET Transaction Elapsed Time
- SEMTOXET Transaction Execution Time
Additionally, the following seven derived data elements are
indirectly impacted because the data elements above are used in
derivation equations:
- SECAVQUE Avg Transaction Queue Time
- SECAVTET Avg Transaction Elapsed Time
- SECAVXET Avg Transaction Execution Time
- SECSDTET Standard Deviation of Avg Elapsed Time
- SECTOQUE Total Transaction Queue Time
- SEMAVTET Avg Transaction Elapsed Time
- SEMAVXET Avg Transaction Execution Time
The data elements listed above contain zeros, when non-zero values
are expected.
Analysis of Service and Report Classes using the data elements listed
above is impossible because the data elements contain zeros.
Release : 14.2