- Installation of PTF RO98193 in and of itself does not mean that you have to automatically relink the RMOATHTB table.- However, what WOULD necessitate a relink of the RMOATHTB table, is a persons actual USERID being changed to an 8 character USERID. If a person's userid does change, then the RMOATHTB table would have to be modified to reflect their new USERID, and then re-linked. JCL to relink the table can be found in:
your.hlq.CVDEJCL member BRNJATHT - (non SMP)
your.CVDEJCL member BRNSATHT - (SMP Usermod)
- And because RO98193 is replacing the RMOUSTUX exit source (as well as 2 modules), if you DO have a custom RMOUSTUX exit in place, you would have to make your custom changes in the new RMOUSTUX exit source, and then re-link the exit. JCL to relink the exit can be found in:
your.hlq.CVDEJCL member BRNJUSTX - (non SMP)
your.hlq.CVDEJCL member BRNSUSTX - (SMP Usermod)
- If your not sure if you have a custom RMOUSTUX exit in place, browse your Deliver load library and see what SIZE your RMOUSTUX module is. The size if the CA provided vanilla RMOUSTUX exit is as follows:
Name Size TTR AC AM RM
RMOUSTUX 00000060 00017E 00 31 ANY