NFA Data Retention service does not seem to be deleting old files under  ReaperArchive15
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NFA Data Retention service does not seem to be deleting old files under  ReaperArchive15


Article ID: 145724


Updated On:


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


NFA Data Retention service does not seem to be deleting old files under  ReaperArchive15 , below error is shown in logs 

"Unable to refresh maintainer HistoricalArchive, this may prevent data from being maintained"


[INFO    ] - Refreshing datastore HistoricalArchive

[INFO    ] - ArchiveDirectory: E:\CA\NFA\Netflow\datafiles\ReaperArchive15

[SEVERE  ] - Unable to refresh maintainer HistoricalArchive, this may prevent data from being maintained

[INFO    ] - Free space threshold has not been violated. Not pruning data.


This is causing our disk space to be full and loosing collected data .


If the logs message below doesn't reflect the actual directory where your ReaperArchive15 directory is, this can happen if you migrated your data_retention database from an older server that was installed on a different drive or directory path.

[INFO    ] - Refreshing datastore HistoricalArchive

[INFO    ] - ArchiveDirectory: E:\CA\NFA\Netflow\datafiles\ReaperArchive15

[SEVERE  ] - Unable to refresh maintainer HistoricalArchive, this may prevent data from being maintained


Check the the data_retention.settings table to see what the installroot value shows:

       mysql -unetqos -pnetqos data_retention
       select * from settings where name='installRoot';

That value needs to match the directory where you have NFA installed.
For example, if you are actually installed on F: you can update this by running the following on your harvester server:

mysql -unetqos -pnetqos data_retention
update settings set value='F:/CA/NFA/Netflow' where name='installRoot';
Then restart the CA NFA Data Retention service and verify the data_retention logs now reflect the correct drive/path and that the message above no longer appears.

It may take some time for pruning to occur but data should start pruning once this cycle completes.