Troubleshooting Checklist when adding a new landscape to a Spectrum DSS environment
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Troubleshooting Checklist when adding a new landscape to a Spectrum DSS environment


Article ID: 145718


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


At times when adding a new landscape to an environment, it will not be visible in OneClick. It is also possible for an existing landscape to sometimes disappear from OneClick and the landscapes list.

This KB will provide a checklist of things to check to ensure that Spectrum is configured properly

Note: This article can also be used to troubleshoot existing installations where a landscape might have gone missing  


DX NetOps Spectrum Release : All Supported Spectrum Releases
Distributed SpectroSERVER (DSS) environments


New Landscape Checklist

On The New Landscape Server

  •  LocServer: configured to report to the correct MLS Server in file:


    with MLS specified under:


  •  Verify LOCSERV process is started in file:


  •  .hostrc file  


    This file should either contain a ‘+’ character at the start of the file or be populated with the server hostnames. In a DSS environment, and those with Fault Tolerant backup servers configured, all server hostnames should be included in all .hostrc on all servers. Meaning, the .hostrc files on each server should be identical, and list each and every server in the environment: MLS, DSS, FT, OC servers, etc. This ensures proper communication between all servers. 


  •  Name Resolution

    Ensure that the new landscape can resolve both the Short and FQDN of both the OneClick Server and MLS landscape. If necessary add these names to the hosts file on the system.


  •  Port Connectivity

    To MLS

       56063 TCP:  The LocServ process will attempt to connect to the LocServ process on the MLS SS to publish its topology
       48879 TCP:  The SpectroSERVER will try and connect to the MLS SpectroSERVER using the SSAPI on this port


    From/To OneClick

       14002 TCP: OneClick will connect to the SpectroSERVER on port 14002
       14003 TCP: OneClick will connect to the Archive Manager on port 14002
       14001 TCP: The SpectroSERVER will attempt to connect back (other direction) to the OneClick on 14001 after the 14002 connection is made

    Note: OneClick will also connect to ports 14004 and 14006 in addition, they may not always be connected
  •  Spectrum installation user
    Sometimes during installation the installation owner may be specified differently (case sensitivity) or might be a different user than the user OneClick is set to use (adminUserName). If the user OneClick is using does not exist or is in a different case then OneClick will not be able to connect.

    Check the initial_user_model_name set in the .vnmrc


    If the user name specified in the initial_user_model_name is different than what is configured on the MLS SS and OneClick's adminUserName it may be necessary to open the Spectrum Control Panel (SCP) and add the user used by OneClick.

    You may also want to check Users tab in OneClick accessed by SpecAdmin user and verify the User or Group to view the new landscape is a "member" of the landscape:  

On the MLS SpectroSERVER

  •  Landscape Map

    OneClick discovers the Landscapes that it needs to connect to from the MLS SpectroSERVER's Landscape Map. Ensuring that the landscape is present in the map with the correct handle and precedence.

    If the new/problem landscape is not present, it would indicate a problem with the LocServer configuration or connectivity to the MLS. Check that the new/problem SpectroSERVER is running, the main location server is set to point to the MLS on the problem server and that the connection on port 56063 is established
  •  .hostrc file


    This file should either contain a ‘+’ character at the start of the file or have the problem landscape name added

  •  Name Resolution

    Ensure that the mls can resolve both the Short and FQDN of the new/problem landscape. If necessary add these names to the hosts file on the system.

On the OneClick Server

  • Landscapes Web Page

    In the OneClick Web interface, click Administration ~~> Landscapes and check the landscape table to see if the new/problem landscape is present and if there is a heartbeat. If the server is missing it would be worth while to check the previous 2 sections. If the landscape is present and the heartbeat failed it might be due to connectivity issues. 

    If the landscape is present and the heartbeat is good (within ~ 60secs) it might be that the logged-in user does not have access to the landscape. Log in as the spectrum superuser and check the landscapes for that user and add the new/problem landscape if necessary

  •  Name Resolution

    Ensure that OneClick can resolve both the Short and FQDN of both the OneClick Server and MLS landscape. If necessary add these names to the hosts file on the system. 

    Note: In most cases, OneClick will use the short name so it is important that both Short and FQDN resolve

  •  Admin User Name (adminUserName)

    Check the spectrum user that OneClick is configured to connect to the landscapes. This user will need to exist on the new/problem landscape.  In some cases, the user name on the new/problem landscape ends up in a different case or a different user altogether. The user name here needs to exist on the new/problem landscape for OneClick to connect.

    In a case where OneClick cannot connect to the MLS this can be checked in OneClick's configuration file, looking in file:


    for the field:
