soitoolbox purgeClearedAlerts timeouts with SOI Services active
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soitoolbox purgeClearedAlerts timeouts with SOI Services active


Article ID: 145709


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CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


The soitoolbox runs into timeouts for large amount of data for purgeClearedAlerts when SOI Services are up and running


Release : 4.2

Component : Service Operations Insight (SOI) Manager


When SOI Services are up and running the sql queries executed by soitoolbox purgeClearedAlerts feature might timeout in SQL Server caused of the large number of rows they have to clear in the database.


The new introduced soitoolbox batchSize parameter allows to define the amount of rows that should be cleared in one go. This helps to prevent any timeouts. Furthermore it is enhanced to take care for maintenance of ca_ssa_* tables in the database as well. The new soitoolbox utility is available with latest cumulative SOI patches after April 2019.

examples for batchSize parameter usage:

1) soitoolbox.exe -x --purgeClearedAlerts 90 --batchSize 5000 --timeout 0

2) soitoolbox.exe -x --cleanHistoryData 90 --batchSize 5000 --timeout 0