Customer has provided the scenario--being executed under TSO/ISPF:
We are running XCOM on z/OS with two members in an XCOM plex. Since the migration, from one member to having
two members in the XCOM plex, the operators need to search twice for the results of file transfers, through the XCOM
panels--meaning, first selecting one member of the plex and then the other. For example: Server: AAAA and then
Server: BBBB. We ask: Is there a way of looking at the results for both members at the same time?
Note: AAAA and BBBB are changed from the original.
OS : z/OS
Release : 12.0
Component : CA XCOM Data Transport for z/OS
Below are the XCOM for z/OS 12.0 references to "PLQ" on the Broadcom techdocs documentation: