After running a job successfully, when trying to retrieve the agent standard output files through wcc, gets the error:
CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found.
CAUAJM_E_50138 No agent files found for job jobname
Then same errors are reported when using the “autosyslog -J jobname -t o” command to retrieve the job standard output files:
CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found.
CAUAJM_E_50138 No agent files found for job jobname
Problem encountered only on one Agent node. It works fine on the other agents.
Release : 11.3.6
Component : CA Workload Automation System Agent on Linux
We verified the agent standard output files were available on the agent with the appropriate permissions.
Problem was encountered on one specific agent node only.
The following messages were reported in transmitter.log file
02/07/2020 11:51:42.132 CET+0100 1 TCP/IP Controller Plugin.Transmitter pool thread <Slow:1>.CybTargetHandlerChannel.sendMessage[:627] - Error sending message to DEV_APP_TESTSERVER123: cybermation.library.communications.CybConversationConnectionResetException: Reset by peer
The problem was related to a corruption in the Agent database directory.
Resolved by recreating the "database" directory by using the following steps:
1. Double check to make sure there are Not any jobs running on the Agent for a few minutes.
2. Login as “root” user
3. Then change directory to the Agent installation directory where "agentparm.txt" file is available
By default, the Agent is installed under /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/SystemAgent/WA_AGENT
4. Then stop the Agent Service by using the following command:
# ./cybAgent -s
5. Take a backup of the "database" directory available under the Agent installation directory.
# pwd
# mv database backup_database
6. Then restart the Agent Service by using the following command
# ./cybAgent –a
A new "database" directory is recreated under the Agent installation directory.
The Agents logs could now be retrieved successfully.