Who changed permissions in niku folder?
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Who changed permissions in niku folder?


Article ID: 145647


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


We have a service that checks for file modification on our production servers to make sure no code is being changed in an unauthorized way. It caught the following command and permissions change.

2/3/20 5:42 AM /apps/niku/bin/serviceappcmd Modified ACL, Permissions niku (xxxx xxxx)

Our team didn't run this command at all so we just wanted to verify, is this something that systematically happens?


Release : All Supported Clarity releases


  • This can happen when serviceappcmd is called to redeploy services.
  • When services are deployed, there is a folder created called $clarity\tomcat-app-deploy and this is where the permissions would be set up.
  • So the explanation would be that at this time most likely you have redeployed the services on this environment.
  • You can double check by checking the app-system log for this timeframe.