Applying Feature PTFs that update GSVCGSVS: Use of GSVS to start SYSVIEW for CICS
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Applying Feature PTFs that update GSVCGSVS: Use of GSVS to start SYSVIEW for CICS


Article ID: 145591


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


When installing Feature PTF the following instructions are provided: 


1. Apply the PTF.                                                    

2. Deploy the PTF to your run-time libraries.                        

3. Stop any CICS regions being monitored by SYSVIEW, or use the GSVT 

   transaction to stop SYSVIEW for CICS within the region.           

4. Stop the SYSVIEW STC's, GSSA, and any user sessions.              

5. Run Security Conversion JCL contained in CNM4BSAM member GSVUCSEC.

6. Run Profile Conversion JCL contained in CNM4BSAM member GSVUCPRF. 

7. Start the SYSVIEW STC's, GSSA, and any user sessions.             

8. Start any CICS regions being monitored by SYSVIEW, or use the GSVS

   transaction to start SYSVIEW for CICS within the region. 

Load modules library CNM4BLOD is read by CICS on the start so if the load module used by GSVS is changed during the upgrade, GSVS transaction will fail.
Is the last paragraph (regarding the use of GSVS) correct?



Release : 15.0 16.0

Component : SYSVIEW


For almost all SYSVIEW PTFs that update SYSVIEW for CICS modules, the instructions are accurate as is.  The majority of SYSVIEW for CICS modules are accessed/loaded out of STEPLIB or LNKLIST.

For the programs that are actually defined to CICS and come from DFHRPL, during startup the GSVCGSVS program does a PHASEIN for them.  The only exceptions are the GSVCGSVS program itself and the GSVCAPMX program.
If a PTF updates either of these programs then the hold data should look a bit different.  For GSVCGSVS you should manually do a NEWCOPY before starting it up again, and in the rare case that GSVCAPMX gets updated you would need to recycle the region.
It looks like on a few feature PTFs that updated GSVCGSVS the special HOLD instruction about doing NEWCOPY are missing.  This mistake is limited to feature PTFs. For bug-fix PTFs to GSVCGSVS, the HOLD instructions are correct.

In future, Feature PTFs updating GSVCGSVS will contain appropriate hold instructions to correct this problem.