Upgrading to File Master Plus for IMS V10
What preparation needs to be done, to upgrade to File Master Plus for IMS V10?
1. Change the FMIMS library names wherever needed: Batch, Clists
2. Make sure the system sets the FMIMS loadlib APF
3. Make sure the CAS9 start procedure uses the new APF load library. No change' s needed int the RIM parameter.
4. Check out whether recent fixes were applied to your 9.1 release. We usually source across releases so that would be a very recent one.
Since you are currently running FMIMS 9.1 and going to FMIMS 10; We apply fixes upwards so every 9.1 fix has been applied to 10 and sourced in rel. 11; The only exceptions would be new fixes that we did not have time to float or QA did not have time to process yet.
With regards to installing the V10 having a timeout function.
For v10, there's nothing to do, it's always there! ... we calculate our timeout based on the live timeout in the user's session.
The feature was added in August-September 2016.