Client Automation - How to resynchronize Scalability Staging SD Library ?
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Client Automation - How to resynchronize Scalability Staging SD Library ?


Article ID: 145509


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery


Sometimes Scalability Software Staging Library could be desynchronized with the database and/or with library.dct file.

They are 4 sort of desynchronization :
  1. Some Software are present in ITCM GUI under Control Panel/Scalability Servers/All Scalability Servers/ssname/Software Staging Library
    but the package in not present on Scalability Server in DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY

  2. Some Software are not present in ITCM GUI under Control Panel/Scalability Servers/All Scalability Servers/ssname/Software Staging Library
    but the package is present on Scalability Server in DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY

  3. On scalability Server a package is present in file DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY\library.dct but its associated .arc directory is not present under DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY

  4. On scalability Server a package is not present in file DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY\library.dct but its associated .arc directory is present under DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY


Client Automation - All versions


To resolve this synchronization problem, script clean_SSLib.dms (attached below) could be used.

1- In ITCM console, go under Control Panel/Scalability Servers/All Scalability Servers/ssname/Software Staging Library.

Select all package. Right click on selection and choose "Delete"

2- Copy file clean_SSLib.dms file on scalability server in a temp directory (ex: c:\temp).
Open a cmd prompt with Administrative privileges and execute this :

cd c:\temp
start /wait dmscript clean_SSLib.dms

This script generates a log file under C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\logs\clean_SSLib.log

3- On Scalability server check if there are some directories with name like TO_DELETE_*.ARC.todelete

These directories could be deleted.


1606311104744__clean_SSLib.dms get_app