Need to convert to OPSMVS form AFOPER
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Need to convert to OPSMVS form AFOPER


Article ID: 145506


Updated On:


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


We are compelled to convert our remaining Lpars running AFOPER to OPSMVS as AFOPER has reached EOL.

We wondered if you have some conversions tools / Rexxes/ programs or processes that can help us with this task. We have quite a number of Lpars to do. Will appreciate your help and input. 




Component : OPS/MVS


Broadcom has an internal migration analysis and migration tool for AFOPER to OPS/MVS.

Our services are usually available for these migrations at little to no cost to our clients.  We will perform a free analysis in order to provide an estimated work effort.

If you are interested in Broadcom Services investigation of this effort, please reach out to either your Broadcom Account team, or open a support case.