Blueprint channel linking to Classic with look/feel of New UX
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Blueprint channel linking to Classic with look/feel of New UX


Article ID: 145455


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


How do you make a Blueprint channel that links to a page in Classic PPM have the display of the New User Experience (UX)?


Release : All Supported


1. Change the UI Theme to use a Phoenix UI Theme

This change will also be applied in Classic PPM.

  1. In Classic PPM go to Clarity->Administration->UI Themes
  2. There is an out of the box Phoenix theme that can be selected, or a custom Phoenix theme can be created

2. Update the channels to hide menu options

Once the theme is changed, you can update the channels to add the following to the end of the URLs to hide menu options. You can add both or one as applicable. To add both, add the following to the end of the Channel URL: &puiFullscreen=on&puiHidePPMTabs=on 

  • &puiFullscreen=on - This hides one of the two main menus that appears on the left edge of the page
  • &puiHidePPMTabs=on - This hides project-specific menu items including project tabs such as Tasks, Team, etc

To update the channel URL:

  1. Edit the blueprint.
  2. Open the channel module.
  3. Add the desired combination of the above appenders to the end of the Channel URL field:
    Example to add both: &puiFullscreen=on&puiHidePPMTabs=on 
  4. Save and publish your blueprint.

Additional Information

See KB Create a Channel in the New UX that links to Classic PPM
For more details on Blueprints and Channels see: Configure Links to External Content With Channels