CA API Gateway: AWS AMI - Cannot create ssg database UNKNOWNDB_FAILURE
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CA API Gateway: AWS AMI - Cannot create ssg database UNKNOWNDB_FAILURE


Article ID: 145440


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


If you are deploying the CA API Gateway AWS AMI form-factor you may receive the following error if trying to use a non-RDS Database (for example your own implementation of MySQL)

"Error creating database when saving configuration 'Cannot create database: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'%' to database 'ssg'' [code:42,000, UNKNOWNDB_FAILURE]'


Release : 9.x

Component : CA API API Gateway


The cause of this error is a general incompatibility when trying to use a non-RDS Database for your CA API Gateway AWS AMI form-factor deployment


To resolve this issue please ensure that you are creating an RDS database and not trying to use an independent MySQL database as this is not supported with the CA API Gateway AWS AMI form-factor architecture 

Please see the Additional Information section for general information on the CA API Gateway AWS AMI form-factor deployment process and the Database creation section. 

Additional Information

Using the Gateway AMI Appliance 

Launch a DB Instance (AMI)