Looking for a Timesheet Approval process with 2 Level Approvers
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Looking for a Timesheet Approval process with 2 Level Approvers


Article ID: 145407


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


  • We require timesheets to be approved by Project manager first and then by Resource manager. 
  • If this is not possible, instead of Resource manager, is there a way to configure Project manager as the approver?


Release : All Supported Releases


  1. Project Manager Approval is the one process available out of the box  that would achieve the requirement of going to the project manager instead of resource manager
  • This process is not available by default, it has to be activated and validated to be used.

    2. There's no process available out of the box that goes to both resource manager and project manager, but you could create a custom process to give the results desired

  • The Project Manager Approval process could be used as a foundation of how to get started in creating this additional custom process
  • See more information on processes including how to create a process at: Configure Processes
    • Note: There is also another timesheet process available that is: Conditional Automatic Approval, more details referenced in the above link.