Secondary backup server generate duplicate event/alarms with precedence 10
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Secondary backup server generate duplicate event/alarms with precedence 10


Article ID: 145292


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


We are testing having our Cisco controller send traps to both Primary and Secondary servers, for Fault Tolerance. We expect that if Primary is active, any traps sent to Secondary would not be processed. Instead, when sending traps to the Secondary server, we are seeing Precedence 10 events being generated. This also creates duplicate alarms. Why does this happen? 


In a Fault Tolerant server configuration, its possible there may be an issue with the Landscape Map causing traps sent to Secondary to be processed as Precedence 10 when the Primary is active. 


Force the Secondary server to startup as "Secondary" which should force precedence 20 events. Precedence 20 events should only process if the Secondary server is active (Failover) . 

- Add the following line to the Secondary server .vnmrc config file: 


- save the file, and restart the server for this setting to take place

- perform this step for any/all Secondary servers in the Landscape