Performance Management - Data Aggregator IP changes
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Performance Management - Data Aggregator IP changes


Article ID: 145262


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


If Data Aggregator IP address changes, what are the steps to be taken at Data Collector end.


DX NetOps Data Collector

Release: All Supported Versions


The DC has several references to the DA.

They should be using the hostname, and this would prevent the need to edit anything if the IP of the DA changes,

but sometimes they have the IP of the DA.


- Log in to the Data Collector server & stop the service as mentioned:
systemctl stop dcmd activemq

- Locate and edit the IP address in the following file:


should have hostname, but may be using IP of DA.

<Install Dir>/apache-karaf-<vers>/etc/

- Edit the following line & save the file:

- Also try to Locate and edit the following file:
<Install Dir>/broker/apache-activemq-<vers>/conf/activemq.xml

- Give the new IP address in the following lines:
<networkConnector name="da_manager" uri="static:(tcp://DA_host_IP:61616)" duplex="true" suppressDuplicateTopicSubscriptions="false"/>
<networkConnector name="da_manager-PRQ" uri="static:(tcp://DA_host_IP:61618)" duplex="true" suppressDuplicateTopicSubscriptions="false"/>
<networkConnector name="da_manager-IREP" uri="static:(tcp://DA_host_IP:61620)" duplex="true" suppressDuplicateTopicSubscriptions="false"/>
<networkConnector name="da_manager-blob" uri="static:(tcp://DA_host_IP:61622)" duplex="true" suppressDuplicateTopicSubscriptions="false"/>

- Finally start the Data Collector service:
systemctl start dcmd