Sysview Performance Management Option (IDB2) getting message SQL text database not available
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Sysview Performance Management Option (IDB2) getting message SQL text database not available


Article ID: 145170


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


Sysview Performance Management Option for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) error trying to get SQL Text in ssid: SQL text database not available.
This is a Db2 12 subsystem using Database Management tools r20.

From Thread History, select a thread with Static SQL, 6 (more), 11 (Accounting Collection Data), 2 (SQL) then T select SQL Text (error on R/IQLSQLTX).
Get the message: SQL text database not available.

Similarly, the following process works fine:
From Thread History, select a thread with Dynamic SQL, 6 (more), 11 (Accounting Collection Data), 6 (Sort Sum) then T select SQL Text (no request name identified on this screen).


The cause of this condition was determined to be a bug.


PTF solutions SO12428 (IDB2) and SO12429 (PDT) have been published for r20 to correct this condition.