Article ID: 145134
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Can there be parameters, or exit code, that can use these two options at the same time:
SARSTCUX with a with a value of 100,000 lines to archive to tape the SYSOUTs that pass from this amount?
BYPASS specifying that any lines in excess of the number 150,000 in a SYSOUT group are deleted without archival?
Release : 14.0 and previous
Component : CA View
The client confirmed that their request involves reports exceeding 100000 lines to go to tape, and then (of those reports) lines exceeding 150000 are to be deleted without archival.
With that, the client wanted to do actually two comparisons, one to 100000, and a second to 150000.
There is no supplied SARSTCUx exit source currently available that can accommodate two comparisons.
The SARSTCUx exit sources that address SARINIT MAXLINES are SARSTCU6 and SARSTCU9, and in those sources.
In each of those sources, there is only a comparison to the MAXLINES parameter itself, and no other values.
It was suggested, that if ultimately they want to remove any lines above 150000 without involving additional exit coding, to set SARINIT MAXLINES=150000,,000000.