While it is still the customer’s choice whether or not to install RO95587, it is a published PTF and will be part of future CAIRIM CARS maintenance. While it is also true that it will serve no true purpose for customer’s not running OPS/MVS, It is possible that the traditional footprint of Common Services may possibly change.
CA Common Services PTF RO95587 requires a ZFS file system for new functionality for OPS/MVS. We are not an OPS/MVS customer. Can I bypass the install of PTF R095587?
CA COMMON SERVICES CAIRIM PTF RO95587 is the first change that introduces a USS file system to the base component CAIRIM and the intent was to land more functionality on the same filesystem. This is the wave of the future since we are shipping more USS based components due to the rise of Java based components. Depending on product use, the number of file systems required could grow because we have been adding them previously as optional components such as the USS Based Service pax file but we intend to consolidate them in 15.0.
OPS/MVS Integration Service will be used by products even if OPS/MVS is not installed, because it is used to detect such installations and to inform the calling product so it can take appropriate action.