NCM Load Firmware on Cisco IOS - SSH device family times out
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NCM Load Firmware on Cisco IOS - SSH device family times out


Article ID: 145119


Updated On:


CA Spectrum CA eHealth


Trying to load a firmware on the certified device family of Cisco IOS - SSH and after the tftp transfer it fails it failed with the following error message:

Error = 0x821f02 for Model 0x33e1ab (ModelName)
D:\Spectrum\NCM\tftp\.  File will need to be removed manually.
Firmware Image was Upload Successful.  Upload of boot cmd is starting ... for mh=0x33e1ab (ModelName)
Boot cmd(s) being upload are:
no boot system
boot system flash c2960x-.bin
 for mh=0x33e1ab (ModelName)


Release : 10.3

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER


The customer didn't have enough space on the device to do the firmware transfer from the device. 


We had to increase the TFTP timeout  to 4000 on all of the tftp servers configured to get this to work and freed up enough space on the device to do the file transfer.