Connectorr Server jcs_conn_<connector name>.log hudge size
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Connectorr Server jcs_conn_<connector name>.log hudge size


Article ID: 145065


Updated On: 11-02-2023


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


Noticing after a time that specific logs from a connector start to be large.



Release : 14.x

Customized connector to Api Gateway that is connecting to CA Service Desk


The cause of this issue is a problem in the specific user in endpoint when trying to search the user the user not being found and the connector is trying to search the user again and again.
Filling quick the connector log.


It's necessary cut the log that is with about 7Gb size being impossible to open in text editors.
after cut the file try to check if some repeating message is causing the file grown
This is an example of what can cause this issue: In general will have a exception to one user happening all the time as user not being found.
Depending of error in case is reporting that user is not being found, check with Provisioning Manager or IM User Console if it's possible see the user properties that is getting the error.
After this user is fixed (in this specific case the user was duplicated in the CA SDM and was necessary remove and leave IM create a new) the log grown loop will stop.