Active Upgrade Datacom/DB 15.0 to 15.1
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Active Upgrade Datacom/DB 15.0 to 15.1


Article ID: 14499


Updated On:


Datacom/DB Datacom


Summarize the steps needed to upgrade Datacom/DB 15.0 MUF to 15.1.


Release: 15.1
Component: Datacom/DB


Upgrading Datacom from 15.0 to 15.1 requires only a few jobs:
 *NOTE for Step 2 BDRIM01* run this if you have not already ran this on a 15.1 environment within the same LPAR before. 

  1. BDCUS00 (Creates the INSTJCL library and members)
  2. BDRIM01 (BDRIM01 will Load DB Program CALL (PC) using CAIRIM. Common Services CAMASTER is a prerequisite requirement to complete this task.)
  3. BDCUSU15 (Assemblies with new 15.1 libraries to include DBSIDPR)
  4. BDUPG09A (Upgrades the DDOL and SIGNOFF panels to Version 15.1)
  5. BDHST01U - Closes the history database (DBID 1007)
  6. BDHST02U - Rebuilds the history database to make the current definition active  

The complete info about this process can be found on Datacom Core 15.1 documentation: Performing an Active MUF Upgrade”.


Additional Information

Please reach out to Broadcom Datacom support if you have any questions