Client Automation 14.X
The software information of Agents is stored (among others) in 2 tables, first is the "ca_discovered_software", which holds the link between Agent and the software, and also on "ca_software_def", where is stored the detailed information of that specific software. Here is where a limitation is present, looking at the columns called 'name' and 'sw_version_label' (which hold the software name and its version) have a character limit, based to their data type, of 255 and 64:
If the software name or version written down in the XIU file have more than 255 or 64 characters respectively, the Agent will be stored correctly, but that specific software won't.
Since XIU file is written manually, there is no validation made on the number of characters in each field.
The recommendation is to always keep the amount of characters as reduced as possible.