Service Desk Manager standby server rollup patching post installation steps hung up.
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Service Desk Manager standby server rollup patching post installation steps hung up.


Article ID: 144886


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


SDM standby server rollup patching post installation steps hung up at 93% complete. The install was cancelled and restarted, but hung up at the same spot. Cancelled the install again. Checked the log files. I checked the a_cdb_componentinstallstate table for the machinename  ( with the standby server name) . all task were complete, except the running task.sdm.postinstall.steps.. I checked the al_cdb_configurationparameters table for the machinename (with the standy server name)  and the configvalue looked ok. I ran the pdm_server_control -t command and the status came back as application instead of standby. After checking the NX.ENV, site\, pdmconfig\pdm_startup and other files. They had references to one of the  application SDM servers  instead of the standby  server local host name. 


Release : 17.3 and higher



Before applying rollup patch ,  the standby server's NX.env and already contained wrong host name (  it contained one of the application servers name  instead of the host name of the standby server name . 


pdm_configure  reads  general.local_host value  in file  and then use this value to check usp_servers table in MDB to see what kind of server it is .      

And pdm_server_control -t  reads the value of  @NX_env  in NX.env file  to get the host name , and then take it to check usp_servers table in MDB to determine what kind of server it is . 

Therefore, if these info messed up before the rollup patch installation, installation will fail/hang.

Perform these steps on standby server to correct the issue:

1.  first , take a backup of current NX.env file under NX_ROOT folder  and file under NX_ROOT\site\ folder  or take a snapshot of current standby server

2.  then manually modify  NX.env file via notepad++  ,  using find and replace with feature of notepad++  to replace all   app server name with  standby server name . 

   note :  hostname here is case-sensitive .  The host name needs to exactly match the same name in usp_servers table 

3.  save NX.env file 

4.  then manually modify  file via notepad++  ,  using find and replace with feature of notepad++  to replace all   app server name  with  standby server name . 

    note :  hostname here is case-sensitive .  The host name needs to exactly match the same name in usp_servers table

5.  save file 

6.  then run pdm_configure   to finish it

7.  If the step 6 above finishes successfully ,  then you can invoke rollup installer to see if it is able to finish the rest that you left for applying rollup patch.