Analysis Reports do not create csv files like Custom Reports do.
However, I the results are in the database on the console server.
There are a couple of tables that have the results:
The x would be the ID of the report in the report_definitions table, to find the report ID you can run:
mysql reporter
select * from report_definitions;
Then you can see a list of analysis report result tables you can run:
mysql reporter
show tables like '%violation%'
In the example below there are two Analysis Reports id 1 and 3 and you can see the two tables for each by running:
You can use a command like below from a regular command prompt to export these tables to a csv file:
mysql -unetqos -pnetqos -D reporter -t -e (select * from violation_periods1;) > violation_periods1.csv
mysql -unetqos -pnetqos -D reporter -t -e (select * from violation_summary1;) > violation_summary1.csv