Understanding when FMP for IMS creates a new member in the DOPT ACBLIB.
Can you give us a better understanding when FMP for IMS creates a new member in the DOPT ACBLIB?
We would like to better understand when the FMP for IMS creates a new member in the DOPT ACBLIB. The intention is to try avoiding the DFS3488 ERROR DURING ENQUEUE FOR DDNAME
FMIMS builds an ACB when a user does not indicate a 'PSB or ACB' name in the Browse/Edit entry panel for a BMP environment.
The ACB is named like CAWK#nnn where nnn is in the range 000-999. When installing the product you were requested to add these names to your IMSGEN.
Along with the CAWK#nnn ACB 'DBD's are also generated in the DOTP Library. I use quotes because these are not really DBDs but by the name your might think these are DBDs.
FMIMS never builds an ACB under another name, and does not create the ACB if user enters a name in the 'PSB or ACB' field. if so the ACB is searched in the ACBLIB concatenation for this environment and if not found message CAWK605E '*ACB Member Not Found* is returned.