We have IDM 14.2 installed on RHEL platform and Connector server on Windows platform. We have deployed the terminal rules on Endpoints[CA AccessControl Endpoint(12.8SP1)] and were able to acquire some endpoints but we are facing issues on one Endpoint when trying to acquire it in IDM. we are getting the following error.
2/5/2020 9:06:20 AM: :ETA_E_0003<ADI>, CA Access Control Endpoint '<server name>.<domain>' creation failed: Connector Server Add failed: code 80 (OTHER-LdapNamingException): failed to add entry eTACCDirectoryName=<server name>.<domain>,eTNamespaceName=Access Control,dc=IM,dc=etasa: JCS@IDM-DEV-CS1: JNDI: Failed to activate connector on proxy connector server: [LDAP: error code 1 - CA Access Control: ACC-LCA ERROR 0x2754: Connection to <server name>.<domain> for 539623 failed for attempt number 1 of 1 (ERROR: Login procedure failed)
Server communication error (seosd)
)] (ldaps://<server name>.<domain>:20411)
The relevant information in the error is that Access Control endpoint is reporting a login failure related to the endpoint's seosd daemon.
[LDAP: error code 1 - CA Access Control: ACC-LCA ERROR 0x2754: Connection to <server name>.<domain> for 539623 failed for attempt number 1 of 1 (ERROR: Login procedure failed
Server communication error (seosd)
)] (ldaps://<server name>.<domain>:20411)