Can IBM Db2 symbolics be used in the Utility Model Services TEMPLATE data set names
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Can IBM Db2 symbolics be used in the Utility Model Services TEMPLATE data set names


Article ID: 144732


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RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS RC/Update for DB2 for z/OS RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Administration Suite


Having enabled the generation of TEMPLATE statements in utility model services by setting USETMPLT to YES
Which IBM Db2 symbolics can be specified for the data set names?  Are all IBM Db2 symbolics supported?


Support for IBM Db2 symbolics usage in the TEMPLATE statement in utility models was introduced with Database Management release r19. This initial support is as follows:

Only the &PART and &PA DB2 symbolics are supported in TEMPLATE data sets and only one instance of these symbolics is allowed in the data set name.

As of release r20, we expanded this support specifically for the PTICOPY TEMPLATE, so that the use of IBM Db2 symbolics is unrestricted for this image copy dataset:

With the exception of image copy data sets (PTICOPY TEMPLATE), only the &PART and &PA IBM Db2 symbolics are supported in TEMPLATE data sets and only one instance of these symbolics is allowed in the data set name. For image copy data sets specified with PTICOPY TEMPLATE, the use of IBM Db2 symbolics is unrestricted.