DevTest Servers running but all tests are failing to run in the Portal
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DevTest Servers running but all tests are failing to run in the Portal


Article ID: 144676


Updated On:


CA Application Test Service Virtualization


After an emergency patching exercise was applied to the server hosting Dev Test Service Virtualization failed to com back online

After several restarts (including full server restarts) we now have all services reporting online and the portal is online but all Testcase Mar file executions fail.  The mar file appears to be loaded but no tests are attempted to be executed




All supported DevTest releases.


After restarting the Services, saw that Portal was throwing an error saying it cannot get access to the LADS folder project. Suites . As the system shutdown un-expectantly all the cache folders were corrupted.


Rename the log folder lisatmpX.x.x to lisatmpX.x.x_backup. New clean folder is created upon restart.  The test will start running now.